El Paso San Juan Daily Natural Gas Price Snapshot

Location El Paso San Juan
Pointcode RMTEPSJ
Region Rocky Mountains
Avg. Price x.xxx
D/D Change x.xxx
Range x.xxx
Volume x.xxx
Deals x.xxx
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Incudes deliveries into El Paso Natural Gas Co. LLC’s Blanco, Bondad and Rio Vista pools of the region El Paso calls the San Juan Basin. These areas lie primarily within San Juan and McKinley counties in New Mexico. More specifically, NGI’s index includes transactions just south of the Bondad Compressor Station at the CO/NM border to the Window Rock Station at the AZ/NM border. NGI also includes the small lateral between the Valve City and the Bluewater compressor stations. Note: NGI changed the name of this index from El Paso Non-Bondad to El Paso San Juan in November 2018, but the point description did not change.

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