SoCal Border Avg. Weekly Natural Gas Price Snapshot

Location SoCal Border Avg.
Pointcode CALSAVG
Region California
Avg. Price
D/D Change
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Includes deliveries into the Southern California Gas system via the following pipeline interconnects: 1.) Northern Zone: El Paso Natural Gas Co. LLC (EPNG) at Topock, AZ; Transwestern Pipeline Co. at Topock, AZ, and Needles, CA; Kern River Gas Transmission Co. and Mojave Pipeline Co. LLC at Kramer Junction, CA 2.) Southern Zone: (EPNG) at Ehrenberg, AZ, and North Baja at Blythe, CA 3.) Wheeler Ridge Zone: (EPNG) and Mojave at Wheeler Ridge, CA, and deliveries from the Pacific Gas & Electric Co.’s system at Kern River Station, CA. NGI’s index does not include any gas sourced from Mexico via Transportadora de Gas Natural at Otay Mesa, CA. Note: (1) NGI began including deliveries at Blythe, CA in this index in October 2018. (2) NGI currently does not list a specific Southern Border, SoCal index in the Daily & Weekly GPI newsletters. This index is only included in the Bidweek Alert and Bidweek Survey. However, please note this price is exactly the same as the SoCal Border Avg. that is published in NGI’s Gas Price Index newsletters.

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