Columbia Gas Daily Natural Gas Price Snapshot

Location Columbia Gas
Pointcode NEATCO
Region Appalachia
Avg. Price
D/D Change
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Includes deliveries into the 11 aggregation areas as listed in the Columbia Gas Transmission (aka TCO) AS Rate Schedule. Those areas include Alexander, Binghamton, Cobb, Crawford, Delmont, Dungannon, Flat Top, Kenova, McClellandtown, West Union, York and range from Eastern Kentucky (excluding Leach), Eastern Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Central New York, SW Virginia and West Virginia. The TCO segmentation pool is included in these aggregation points and is therefore included in NGI’s index. So too are Interruptible Paper Pool transactions that are included within the 11 aggregation points other than Binghamton, NY. All transactions in and out of Market Areas (as defined by TCO) that fall outside of the 11 aggregation points are not included in NGI’s index.

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