NGPL TexOk Weekly Natural Gas Price Snapshot

Location NGPL TexOk
Pointcode ETXNGPL
Region East Texas
Avg. Price
D/D Change
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Gas delivered into Natural Gas Pipeline Co. of America’s (NGPL) TexOk Receipt and Delivery Zone. This zone includes portions of NGPL’s mainline (Gulf Coast aka G.C.) and A/G lines. The Gulf Coast segment starts at the Texas/Louisiana border in Jefferson County, TX, moves west to Station 302 in Montgomery County, TX, then veers northeast to the Texas/Arkansas border in Cass County, TX. It includes receipts in Angelina, Case, Cass, Harrison, Jefferson, Lamar, Liberty, Marion, Montgomery, Nacogdoches, Panola, Polk, Rusk and San Jacinto counties in Texas. The A/G points included in this index start in Cass County, TX, and run through Lamar County, TX, as well as through Atoka, Bryan, Carter, Johnston, Latimer and Pittsburg counties in Oklahoma. NGI’s NGPL TexOk index does not include the Oklahoma portion of NGPL that lies within the Midcontinent Receipt and Delivery Zone. Furthermore, NGI’s index includes the TexOk Zone - G.C. Pooling Point, but excludes the TexOk Zone A/G Pooling Point.

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