Alaska Not Taking 'No' for Answer on ANWR Plan

By NGI Staff Reports

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The state of Alaska Wednesday asked U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) Director Daniel Ashe to reconsider and reverse the agency's denial of the state's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (ANILCA) Section 1002(e) exploration plan.

"The regional director's decision was both an inaccurate and restrictive interpretation of federal law that blocks Congress and the public from better understanding ANWR's natural resource potential," said Gov. Sean Parnell. "I am confident the director will take a hard look at that decision, in light of the state's strong legal position and the enormous opportunity the state is offering to the nation in its exploration plan.

"Fundamentally, the question remains, 'Why doesn't the current administration want to know more about ANWR's natural resource potential?'" That's something Alaska has been asking the federal government since the spring (see Daily GPI, May 21).

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In the plan that was submitted July 9, Alaska proposed a state-funded program to conduct low-impact 3-D seismic testing throughout the coastal plain, or 1002 Area, of ANWR (see Daily GPI, July 10). The data to be gathered would "greatly improve understanding of the hydrocarbon resources in the 1002 Area and assist Congress and federal agencies as they make future decisions regarding development in the region," the state said.

In a July 23 letter, FWS Regional Director Geoffrey Haskett rejected the plan, citing a policy memo prepared by former Secretary of the Interior Bruce Babbitt at the end of President Clinton's administration, which claimed the opportunity to submit exploration plans under Section 1002(e) of ANILCA had expired (see Daily GPI, July 30).

Under FWS regulations, the director has 30 days to affirm, reverse or modify the regional director's decision.

The state of Alaska Wednesday asked U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) Director Daniel Ashe to reconsider and reverse the agency's denial of the state's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (ANILCA) Section 1002(e) exploration plan.

"The regional director's decision was both an inaccurate and restrictive interpretation of federal law that blocks Congress and the public from better understanding ANWR's natural resource potential," said Gov. Sean Parnell. "I am confident the director will take a hard look at that decision, in light of the state's strong legal position and the enormous opportunity the state is offering to the nation in its exploration plan.

"Fundamentally, the question remains, 'Why doesn't the current administration want to know more about ANWR's natural resource potential?'" That's something Alaska has been asking the federal government since the spring (see Daily GPI, May 21).

In the plan that was submitted July 9, Alaska proposed a state-funded program to conduct low-impact 3-D seismic testing throughout the coastal plain, or 1002 Area, of ANWR (see Daily GPI, July 10). The data to be gathered would "greatly improve understanding of the hydrocarbon resources in the 1002 Area and assist Congress and federal agencies as they make future decisions regarding development in the region," the state said.

In a July 23 letter, FWS Regional Director Geoffrey Haskett rejected the plan, citing a policy memo prepared by former Secretary of the Interior Bruce Babbitt at the end of President Clinton's administration, which claimed the opportunity to submit exploration plans under Section 1002(e) of ANILCA had expired (see Daily GPI, July 30).

Under FWS regulations, the director has 30 days to affirm, reverse or modify the regional director's decision.

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