Agua Dulce Forward Fixed Natural Gas Price Snapshot

Location Agua Dulce
Pointcode STXAGUAD
Bal Summer
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The Corpus Christi area has emerged as a center for natural gas exports via both pipeline and LNG, and NGI’s Agua Dulce index reflects this. In addition to the Agua Dulce Hub in Nueces County, TX, itself, NGI’s index also includes a.) the Banquete Hub in Nueces County and b.) transactions into the Corpus Christi Pipeline LP in San Patricio County, TX. As of April 2023, pipeline systems that deliver into or haul gas from the Agua Dulce Hub include the Lobo Pipeline Co. LLC, Eagle Ford Midstream LP, Enterprise Texas Intrastate LLC, Gulf Coast Express LLC, Houston Pipe Line Co. LP, Kinder Morgan Tejas Pipeline LLC, NET Mexico Pipeline, Natural Gas Pipeline Co. of America (NGPL), Tennessee Gas Pipeline Co. LLC (TGP), Texas Eastern Transmission LP, Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Co. (Transco), Valley Crossing Pipeline LLC and Whistler Pipeline. The Banquete Hub is located slightly east of Agua Dulce and includes several Kinder Morgan Inc. pipelines. Finally, the Corpus Christi Pipeline accepts deliveries at Sinton in San Patricio County, from Enterprise Products Partners, Kinder Morgan Tejas, NGPL, TGP and Transco.

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