NOVA/AECO C Daily Natural Gas Price Snapshot

Location NOVA/AECO C
Pointcode CDNNOVA
Region Canada
Avg. Price
D/D Change
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Includes fixed priced deals anywhere within TC Energy Corp.’s NOVA Gas Transmission Ltd. (NGTL) system in Alberta. The AECO Hub is a trademarked name used to describe the two storage facilities (Suffield and Countess), but the pricing point AECO C is a virtual point that has come to mean all gas that is traded along NGTL under the provisions of the NOVA Inventory Transfer service. Per the TC Energy website: “The terms AECO Hub, NIT and Alberta Hub increasingly are being used interchangeably to refer to the Alberta gas price and the Alberta pricing point. Pricing is determined at NIT, a notional location on the Alberta System.” Reported in $C/GJ. NGI’s index does not include basis transactions since those are traded in $US/MMBtu.

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