Transco Zone 6 non-NY Bidweek Natural Gas Price Snapshot

Location Transco Zone 6 non-NY
Pointcode NEATZ6NNY
Region Northeast
Avg. Price
D/D Change
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Includes transactions within Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Co.’s Zone 6 north of Compressor Station 195 in York County, PA, including both the River Road Transfer Point that is the intersection with the Central Penn Line South system and Station 210 Pool. NGI’s index excludes those areas specified in the Transco Zone 6 NY and Transco-Leidy Line indexes. This is the exact definition of NGI’s prior Transco Zone 6 Non-NY North index. Note: Between August 2014 and March 2023, NGI split Transco Zone 6 non-NY into separate Non-NY North and Non-NY South indexes, and this location was a weighted average of those two sub-locations. Starting in April 2023, NGI eliminated the separate North and South indexes, and the Transco Zone 6 non-NY index now only includes transactions from Transco Zone 6 Non-NY North as detailed above. In conjunction with this change, NGI discontinued the pointcodes NEATZ6NNYS and NEATZ6NNYN.

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