Eastern Gas South Bidweek Natural Gas Price Snapshot

Location Eastern Gas South
Pointcode NEACNG
Region Appalachia
Avg. Price x.xxx
D/D Change x.xxx
Range x.xxx
Volume x.xxx
Deals x.xxx
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Includes all deliveries into the portion of Eastern Gas Transmission and Storage that lies upstream of the Valley Gate Junction in Armstrong County, PA. This includes the Pennsylvania portion of the system that lies south of Valley Gate Junction, along with the segments in Maryland, Ohio, Virginia and West Virginia. NOTE (1): NGI changed the name of this index to Eastern Gas South from Dominion South in June 2021, following the sale of this asset by Dominion to Berkshire Hathaway. NOTE (2): NGI split its prior Dominion index into separate Dominion North Point and South Point indexes in April 2014. Prior to that, NGI’s Dominion index was a combination of North and South point transactions. NGI did not see a meaningful volume of reported transactions at Dominion North until late 2013, so for historical comparison purposes, NGI’s old Dominion index aligns most closely with the current Eastern Gas South index.

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