Opal Bidweek Natural Gas Price Snapshot

Location Opal
Pointcode RMTOPAL
Region Rocky Mountains
Avg. Price x.xxx
D/D Change x.xxx
Range x.xxx
Volume x.xxx
Deals x.xxx
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Includes all transactions within Kern River Gas Transmission Co. (KRGT) Fuel Zone #1, as well as transactions at the Muddy Creek, Opal Plant Tailgate and Pioneer Gas Plant for which a pipeline is not specified. Note: Prior to January 1, 2024, NGI included all receipts within the KRGT Receipt Pool, since the overwhelming majority of total receipts into KRGT within the state of Wyoming occur within Fuel Zone #1. However, NGI now includes only those KRGT Receipt transactions that are specifically labeled as having been traded at locations within Fuel Zone 1.

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