Waha Bidweek Natural Gas Price Snapshot

Location Waha
Pointcode WTXWAHA
Region West Texas/SE New Mexico
Avg. Price x.xxx
D/D Change x.xxx
Range x.xxx
Volume x.xxx
Deals x.xxx
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Contains transactions at the Waha Hub within the Permian Basin in West Texas. Includes transactions into and in the vicinity of the Waha DCP/Atmos Hub, Enstor Waha Hub and Waha (EPGT) Texas Hub. Interconnecting pipelines/systems include Agua Blanca, Atmos Pipeline, Arena West Texas Pool (comprised of the Waha Header, Trans-Pecos, Oneok WesTex Transmission LLC, Roadrunner and Comanche Trail), El Paso Natural Gas Co. LLC, Energy Transfer, Enterprise Texas, Gulf Coast Express LLC, Natural Gas Pipeline Co. of America, Northern Natural, Oasis, Oneok WesTex, Permian Highway, Transwestern and Whistler Pipeline. NGI’s index also includes transactions within the El Paso – Waha pool, and the Oneok WesTex pool, points that NGI also publishes as separate indexes.

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