Articles tagged Withdrawal

  • Transportation Notes

    National Fuel is holding an open season for up to 1 Bcf winter firm storage and transportation services (Nov. 1-Feb. 28). The service includes maximum injection of 10,000-30,000 Dth/d and a maximum withdrawal of 33,333 Dth/d. Receipt and delivery points include Columbia (Independence), Dominion (Ellisburg), Tennessee (Rose Lake), TransCanada (Niagara), Transco (Leidy) and Transco (Wharton). Bid sheets are available at National Fuel's web site or by calling (716) 857-7740. For details call Jim Zernentsch (716) 857-7509.

  • Lehman Brothers, SSB Say Storage is Fine, Others Show Concern

    As the traditional storage withdrawal season came to an end last week with working gas near record lows at 627 Bcf (19% full) and 404 Bcf lower than the same time last year, there were mixed opinions on Wall Street about what the 2001 refill season might hold. Lehman Brothers and Salomon Smith Barney warned that storage might be refilled at a record rate this year, possibly prompting a bearish reaction in the market in the short-term despite the extremely low level of working gas currently. Meanwhile, UBS Warburg and IFR Pegasus said that scenario was very unlikely.

  • Prices Soften Due to Day-Earlier Storage, Screen Data

    In a reflection of Wednesday afternoon's meager storagewithdrawal report and the accompanying screen downturn, most cashpoints fell between about a dime and 20 cents Thursday. The majorvariations from the overall market were Northern Californiaupticks, flat to barely lower numbers in the Rockies and San JuanBasin, and a Southern California border decline of nearly 40 cents.

  • Transportation Notes

    NGPL waived the monthly net withdrawal minimums through Marchfor storage customers under Rate Schedule DSS. It also waived for2001 a requirement that 50% of DSS inventory be cycled by April 30of each year.

  • Warming Weather Gives Prices a Colder Feeling

    Generally the cash market failed to find any support from eitherAGA's big storage withdrawal report Wednesday afternoon or thescreen's strong push upwards Thursday. With the exception ofupticks at a few scattered points, cash numbers ranged from flat todown nearly a dollar at Transco Zone 6 (NYC). Most of the declineswere between about a nickel and 30 cents.

  • Weather Uncertainty, Position Rolling Limit Price Run

    Fueled by a larger-than-expected storage withdrawal and promptedby gains in Wednesday night's Access session, natural gas futuresclimbed higher yesterday as traders lifted prices in a briskafternoon buying surge. The March contract finished up 5.2 cents at$2.592, but the real story was the outer months, which gained 6cents or more on moderate position rolling.

  • Industry Briefs

    Union Gas announced the availability of 2 Bcf of peak storage atthe Dawn Market Hub. The storage permits summer 1999 injection and1999-2000 winter withdrawal. The storage capacity will be awardedbased on a bidding process. All bids are due by 1 p.m. EST onFriday, May 21. The high bidders will be awarded the capacity by 3p.m. EST that same day. The storage hub has six pipelineinterconnects and easy access to 15 pipeline and distributioncompanies, Union Gas said. The complex has a working capacity of130 Bcf and can deliver 2 Bcf/d for customers.

  • Bulls Make it Two in a Row with Another Small Victory

    Fresh after receiving a boost from a hefty storage withdrawalWednesday afternoon, natural gas futures continued higher yesterdayin yet another tumultuous trading session. And for the second dayin a row locals were seen as the catalyst, using buy stops toorchestrate a gap higher opening. But overhead resistance at $1.77held and the market was left to ebb and flow within the 4-centtrading range, which was set in the first hour of trading. TheApril contract finished up 3.9 cents to $1.762.

  • Flat (Yes, Again) Market Asks: What Storage Report?

    The cash market shrugged off what many considered a bearishstorage withdrawal report and maintained what has become February'sstatus quo Thursday: flat pricing with mostly tight ranges. Sourceswere dismayed to admit their general expectation Wednesdayafternoon of falling prices Thursday was off the mark. "Nothingseems to be moving this market in any direction," a marketer in theWest said.