Shale Daily

Transparent pricing and market developments for major North American shale and unconventional plays


  • Natural gas prices at 20+ North American shale basins and unconventional plays
  • Quickly understand major factors affecting one of the world's largest natural gas supplies
  • On-the-ground news coverage of crucial market events impacting supply and demand fundamentals
  • Empowered research with 10 years of historical article archives
  • Affordable and trustworthy insights, access to analysts and journalists, and exceptional customer service
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Including impactful news and transparent pricing for shale and unconventional plays across the U.S. and Canada, Shale Daily offers a clear snapshot of natural gas supplies for analysts, investors and global LNG buyers.


  • Natural gas analysts, marketers and traders
  • Royalty owners and landmen
  • Business strategy and financial analysts
  • Accounting, settlement, compliance and risk professionals


  • Web - updated throughout the business day
  • E-newsletter
  • NGI delivery platform partners
  • Enterprise subscriptions available

Related Services

Updated Pricing

Shale Datafeed

  • Database of natural gas prices for 20+ North American shale basins and unconventional plays
  • Data are available in easy-to-use formats, allowing users to save time from data entry and reducing risk of human error
  • Access to pricing analysts, exceptional customer service

Indicative Data

Forward Datafeed

  • Daily forward curves expressed as both fixed prices and basis differentials to the Henry Hub
  • Curves published as both individual months and seasonal strips
  • Curves going out 10 years at 70+ locations

Price History

Shale Historical Data

  • Historical natural gas prices for 20+ North American shale basins and
    unconventional plays
  • 10 years of historical natural gas pricing to support your research and analysis
  • Affordable and trustworthy FERC-approved natural gas pricing data

Shale Daily FAQ

How do I get NGI pricing data and news?

Natural Gas Intelligence is a subscription service. If you are interested in receiving NGI natural gas and LNG pricing indexes, data and news, or need additional information, please contact

How does NGI’s price index methodology compare to others in the market?

Natural Gas Intelligence is one of only two price reporting agencies that has access to Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) trade data, which supports a robust and market-driven price index. NGI uses transactions from ICE along with reported prices to arrive at its daily, weekly and bidweek price indexes. Find out more about NGI’s price index methodology here.

On which days does NGI publish prices?

NGI publishes daily, weekly and monthly (Bidweek) pricing data, as well as forward curves. To find out specifics, our Publishing Calendar can be found here.

In what forms can I access NGI content?

NGI content is delivered via e-newsletters and the NGI website. Additionally, most NGI content is available in PDF for read-only use. For data consumption, NGI provides web and API delivery mechanisms, as well as third-party channel partners. For more information, contact

Why does it matter that NGI has Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) trade data?

NGI is one of only two price reporting agencies that include ICE transactions to determine its natural gas indexes. ICE is an electronic trading platform where the bulk of physical and financial natural gas trades are done for North America. By incorporating ICE trade data with NGI-reported company trades, NGI is able to provide more representative and transparent pricing data. Find out more about NGI’s price index methodology here.