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Mexico Gas Price Index

The leading independent natural gas Price Reporting Agency for Mexico, NGI's Mexico Gas Price Index is a daily news and pricing information service trusted by active market participants on both sides of the border. 

Learn More: Mexico Gas Price Index

How To Access

  • Make sure you’re logged in!

    For NGI site access, always make sure you are logged in. The login box is found at the top right-hand corner of every page on our website. If you are not logged in, you will see "Log In" - if you are logged in, you will see "Welcome, (Your Name Here)".

    Your username is the email address associated with your account, and if you forgot your password you can click here to reset it.

  • Navigating to Mexico Gas Price Index - Three Easy Ways
  1. Click here to jump directly to the Mexico Gas Price Index service home page
  2. Click the "Welcome, (Your Name Here)" link at top right to access your subscriptions inside your Account page. This brings you to a listing of all your services. Choose and click on "Mexico Gas Price Index" to jump to the service home page, where you'll find Mexico Gas Price Index articles, charts, and resources.
  3. Click the "All Services" menu in the top navigation and locate "Mexico Product Suite". You will see green check-marks next to services you have access to on this menu. For the Mexico Gas Price Index service home page, click the "News" link.